Singita Sabi Sand

In the Sabi Sand you’ll witness a variety of game-viewing, often with fascinating predator interaction, be it during the golden light of day or while on a starlight spot-lit safari.

The Sand River engraves her way through the property and among the riverine flora is where the elsewhere elusive leopards lurk… We are very privileged to enjoy frequent leopard sightings – and because of the caution and respect we’ve shown these alluring cats over the years we’re now able to observe them at close range, as most are unfazed by our presence. They treat us from time to time to their camouflaged concealment, extraordinary hunting skills and the difficulties and delights of raising playful cubs and teaching them survival skills.

In addition to this the Sabi Sand reserve is recognized globally for its diversity of game. Your team of a knowledgeable guide and intuitive tracker will do their utmost to ensure you see a broad spectrum of this balanced ecosystem. Highlights might include prides of lions, parades of elephants, crashes of white rhinos, herds of buffaloes, dazzles of zebras, clans of hyenas, harems of impalas, journeys of giraffes, businesses of mongooses, cheetah, a glimpse of wild dogs, baboons trooping past your suite – to mention just a few!

The opportunities for world-class wildlife photography on this Singita-owned property are unrivaled. The animals are found in a relatively close concentration and the potential to safely advance for quality sightings and images are often available.

The different habitats from open grassland to dense bush and ancient trees attract a vast array of bird life too. You’ll receive a checklist with over 400 species listed for this area alone.

But above all you’ll discover a place where time is in tune with nature’s rhythm. A place where you can rest and reconnect with the earth – this cradle of mankind. It’s a place where the fluttering of a butterfly is as fascinating as the flight of an eagle, where a blade of grass sparkling with dew is as beautiful as the sheen of a leopards coat and where the silence and soft scented air erase irrelevant stresses and strains.

The Singita Sabi Sand experience is an authentic one. There are no fences and the animals are free to roam unhindered in this enormous conservancy. We do however guarantee you a dedicated team, so with a dash of luck you will return home with a wealth of memories.